Spring! I always feel so rejuvenated when spring finally arrives that I can hardly wait to get out there and enjoy it. Along with excitement for this new season, welcoming spring also means transitioning out of winter hibernation-mode. Part of this transition involves making changes that reset your body, mind, and your surroundings to help you embrace spring in the most refreshing ways possible.
Here are 3 fun and easy ways to reset for spring:
1. nourish your body
I think we can all agree that healthy eating is probably the most challenging in the winter months (at least for me, it is). In order to give your body a spring detox, transition your diet to allow for more seasonal fruits and vegetables instead of the go-to comfort food of winter. One of the best places to take advantage of fresh, seasonal produce is your local farmer’s market. Green smoothies all the way!
Another way to rejuvenate your body for spring is to get outside! Depending on where you live, Spring might be pretty wet, but is otherwise boasting with sunshine and warmer temperatures. My favorite way to enjoy the spring sunshine is to grab a coffee and take a walk along the lake. If you’re a real go-getter, you can go for a hike with a buddy or take your workout routine outside.
2. clear your mind
This one is a big one for me personally. One of my favourite mind-clearing activities for spring is cleaning my car from top to bottom. Spending a few hours outside cleaning, vacuuming, buffing, and sometimes even scrubbing your car to make it sparkle and shine again is not only rewarding, it also clears your head AND gives you a little fresh air. Total win.
Another great way to ease the mind into all that is spring is to create a spring to-do list or bucket-list. This is the perfect way to organize your thoughts and reminders for the upcoming season. Maybe you plan to visit family for Easter, take your car in for a service, or finally check out that cute coffee shop that just popped up in town.
3. de-clutter your surroundings
Ever since I was a kid I loved ‘spring-cleaning’ time. Spring-cleaning is one of the most effective ways to reset for spring, which is why I saved the best for last. I’m going to make a bullet list here because there’s just too much to say:
- Clean out that closet! Put all your winter clothes into plastic Rubbermaid containers and get rid of any clothes you haven’t worn in the last year.
- Make a pile of everything you’re parting with and donate it a to a local charity.
- Now go through the rest of your house and purge. You don’t need to keep that broken shoe rack. That extra Brita water jug isn’t doing anything by collecting dust. Anything that is either broken, taking up space, or could be donated to someone else needs to go.
- Make those cleaning supplies WORK! Dust off the blinds, sweep the porch, Windex ALL the windows, and clean until your house smells better than a Lysol commercial. They don’t call it spring-cleaning for nothing, folks.
There you have it! I would LOVE to hear if you have any of your own traditions or things that you like to do to embrace the spring season. Let me know in the comments!